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    Table of contents

    • Create and Connect with Better Tools
    Create and Connect with Better ToolsΒΆ

    The idea of this section is simple: you will only find the most useful tools here. This is not meant as a comprehensive and never-ending list of every tool and best practice available: it is a highly curated collection of things that have genuinely changed our day-to-day lives as developers, designers, product managers, and dreamers.

    Not Another Awesome ListΒΆ

    Kernel is intentional about not presenting you with endless lists of resources. When we are trying to learn about a new field, and find ourselves confronted with a list of 100+ possibilities, the experience is one of anxiety: "there's so much to know, and I know so little, so where should I even start? I suppose it's not really worth it after all."

    Here you will find only things that help you do cool stuff. Thinking skills and readings live in the Learn Modules: this section is meant to get you building, playing, and joyfully subverting the status quo.

    Live in the LayersΒΆ

    One of the most interesting aspects of the people we have met in web3 is the interdisciplinary nature of many of their interests. No-one is just a designer, or only a developer, or particpating in all this because of a single idea or product. While many of us do have particular expertise, the point of useful tools ought to be to help us ask ever better questions of ourselves, our environment, and the worlds we create together.

    Knowing such interesting and interested people is liberating, though it does make categorization more challenging. We do not wish to box you in with the categories presented here: each one links to each of the others, and we encourage you to explore all the sections and think how you can use the tools placed in each to play with the boundaries between each field.

    Design & UX
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