Table of contents
This page is intended for all of the great and intersting resources our community has gathered which are not specifically tools, but which are worthy of your attention.
VideosΒΆVideo is a more effective mnemonic medium than text. Two non-crypto channels that we feel do the best job of illustrating why are 3blue1brown and Like Stories of Old.
The YouTube channels we link to below are not necessarily research in the traditional sense. They are much more about sense-making, which is itself a fascinating modern phenomena to research. These channels are included on this page not because of their rigour, but to suggest to you that research may be changing in ways those in academia simply cannot fathom, and that there are ways to research in public (just like coding in public) which can be enormously beneficial, both to you as a creator and to the wider public you serve.
Research often does come down to simply parsing lots of information. This section is your opportunity to get good at that.
The Other Internet
A fascinating collaboration between many big minds. Begin with Squad Wealth. Complement with:
How to DAO
A four-week, better-than-free course on the future of co-operation, created by Stephen Reid.
This section will be fleshed out in blocks yet to come, as it becomes clear where the most valuable contributions and research are happening.
While there are wonderful tools and informative news sources already listed on the security page of this section, securing code on public, adversarial networks has required - and will continue to require - a great deal of groundbreaking research. Here we present some of the most interesting pieces we have touched on in Kernel.
Likely the most research-intensive aspect of the cryptographic world as it has applied to blockchains, we present here just a few of the growing number of resources available to help you first understand, and then begin to implement your own, zero-knowledge schemes. This short video is a good place to start if you know nothing about zero knowledge. Take a read through Eli Ben Sasson's mammoth twitter thread for another great entry point.
ZeroKnowledge FM
Anna Rose's podcast collects presentations on zero knowledge topics from different teams and should serve as a great entry into more technical research.
The Industry Overview
An in-depth post from the zcash team, with many wonderful links to further research.
The Academic Overview
A surprisingly straightforward explanation, with examples. AZTEC Protocolβs paper by Zachary J. Williamson is also relevant here.
H/T Roshan Raghupathy
Enjoy two for the price of one with the PLONK paper by the AZTEC team and Vitalikβs comments.
If you have imbibed our distate of Awesome lists, you can likely guess how we feel about spreadsheets. However, there are always exceptions that prove the rule, and here we list just a few of them for specific domains in which you may be interested.